Design Blog

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Why pay more for Branding Design Services?

What is the risk of using a DIY or economy option for your branding or logo design services? Given the importance a brand can make to a businesses success, many customers opt for branding design services that give better value as a way of reducing risk. Your logo is possibly the single most important part of the branding exercise, which is why it seems crazy that people choose to cut corners here and opt for “CHEAP LOGOS”. Saving money initially may cost you more in the long run if you are required to roll out a new logo across all of your printed and digital publications.

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Why do prices vary so much for branding and logo design services?

When you start looking around for branding or logo design services you will be confronted with a wide variation of prices. Good branding can absolutely transform the success of an organisation; poor quality branding can be its downfall! As a general rule, customers who pay more will be investing in a comprehensive branding solution; an entire identity system – not just a logo. Here we take a look at why so much pricing variation exists in the market, and analyse what causes discerning customers to avoid the cheaper options.

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How do I choose the right web design agency?

A well-crafted website is a cornerstone of successful marketing. Choosing the right web design agency is critical when it comes to getting the results you need for commercial success. With so many different website design providers available, finding the right solution for your business is a challenge. Whether you opt for a full-service web design agency (a large organisation that provides a complete service for clients of all shapes and sizes), a smaller web design studio (that may provide a niche service and/or tend to work with SMEs) or a freelance (independent) web designer, the aim is always to find a provider that can meet your needs both now and in the future.

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Can I build my own website?

Are you in the process of starting up a new business? Do you have your products or services defined and are now contemplating how to navigate your website solution? Many people are capable of building a simple website using platforms like Wix, Shopify or Squarespace… so why would you pay a web designer to do it for you?

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Is it time for a website redesign?

Your website is one of the most important aspects of your business. More often than not, it is the first point of contact between new customers and your business and it is important that this first impression is both grand and memorable. Maintaining a successful online profile requires ongoing website maintenance and content updates… but when does it become time to consider a full website redesign? This article will give you five reasons why you should seriously contemplate a website upgrade.

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Our boutique Mornington Peninsula design studio offers Web Design, Graphic Design and Branding services that will set you apart from your competitors.
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