What about hosting?

We offer 3 months complimentary Managed WordPress Hosting to all our website clients. All of our entry-level hosting packages are self-managed with automated platform updates.


✓ 1GB Disk Storage
✓ 50GB Bandwidth
✓ 3 Databases
✓ 5 Email Accounts
✓ 1.5GB Email Storage
Automated Platform updates


✓ 5GB Disk Storage
✓ 100GB Bandwidth
✓ 5 Databases
✓ 10 Email Accounts
✓ 10GB Email Storage
Automated Platform updates


✓ 15GB Disk Storage
✓ Unlimited Bandwidth
✓ 15 Databases
✓ 15 Email Accounts
✓ 30GB Email Storage
Automated Platform updates

Maintenance Add-ons

Let us take the hassle out of hosting with one of our fully managed website hosting packages. Purchase a Managed WordPress Maintenance Add-on and we will manage all of maintenance tasks for you manually. This will ensure compatibility and functionality is maintained during any updates.


* When added to any of our hosting packages
✓ Manual Wordpress Updates
✓ Manual Theme Updates
✓ Manual Plugin Updates
✓ Restore from previous backups (up to 90days)


* When added to any of our hosting packages
✓ Manual Wordpress Updates
✓ Manual Theme Updates
✓ Manual Plugin Updates
✓ Restore from previous backups (up to 90days)
✓ 2 x scheduled content updates/additions per month
* Content updates/additions include features like: a new gallery, testimonial slider or staff profile section on your site. This will not cover advanced features like: member areas, e-commerce or booking systems. Care plans are only available to clients with websites designed by Folkspoke Design.


What is Managed Wordpress hosting? 

Our preferred Content Management Management (CMS) is WordPress. It is an Open Source platform with endless options for customisation and integration with third-party extensions/applications. We offer self managed and Managed WordPress Hosting packages to accommodate for different budgets. With our Managed WordPress Hosting packages we look after of all technical aspects running your WordPress site and remain the consistent point of contact. This allows for a hassle-free experience, so that you can focus your energy on what you do best – running your business!

What support is included in my hosting package? 

We constantly monitor the speed and security of your site and will notify you of any significant dropouts or security risks. We offer daily backups to ensure that you can restore your site should anything go wrong.

If you purchase a Managed WordPress Maintenance add-on we will oversee ALL of the manual software updates required for your WordPress Site. Major platform updates will be scheduled every month with testing to ensure compatibility of upgrades. No fees or charges will be incurred for restoring your site to a previous backup.

All of our entry-level packages include automatic updates of your WordPress site, theme and plugins. This can pose an element of risk as there may be compatibility issues between new releases of the software. You will be given the tools to restore your site from a previous backup (up to 7 days prior) via your WordPress dashboard.

Why does my website require ongoing maintenance?

Here are some reasons why you should maintain a current version of WordPress:

SECURITY: The wide spread popularity of WordPress makes it a common target for hackers. Regular website and plugin upgrades ensure a higher level of security for your site.

THE BENEFITS OF NEW FEATURES: As with any software development, developers are constantly striving to include new features and improve the functionality and usability of existing features.

SPEED: Platform updates will generally include performance enhancements to will improve speed and make WordPress run more efficiently.

BUG FIXES: As with any software development there is bound to be glitches along the way. Platform updates will address provide solutions to these bugs.

COMPATIBILITY: Third party developers will make improvements to plugins and extensions. They will continue to develop their software to perform with the most recent versions of WordPress. By leaving these upgrades to us, we will ensure the compatibility of all components – without breaking your website.

What is an SSL?

HTTPS is essentially a secure version of your HTTP site. This is a protocol for transferring website data. With HTTPS enabled, the user will experience should remain the same, however, the data that you send from your site will be encrypted. This extra layer of security gives users confidence – particularly when payment details or other personal data is being collected. It also is advantageous with SEO as Google will favour sites that use HTTPS.

What payment options do you have?

We offer 6-month and yearly payment options. All hosting is billed 1 month in advance (pro-rata) and we require 30 days notice for any cancellation of your service. Refunds WILL NOT be provided for periods that are paid for in advance.

Can I upgrade my hosting package later on?

Not sure which package is right for? We can recommend a suitable package for you specific needs. This is based on an estimate of your website and email storage requirements and your predicted bandwidth usage. As your business grows you may require an upgrade to your hosting package based on the volume of traffic you receive and storage requirements (i.e. additional email accounts or larger storage quotas). We will monitor your account and provide you with updates on your requirements.
Our boutique Mornington Peninsula design studio offers Web Design, Graphic Design and Branding services that will set you apart from your competitors.
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